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Investor FAQs

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Where and when was Lumos Pharma incorporated?

Lumos Pharma was incorporated in Delaware on June 4, 1999 as NewLink Genetics Corporation and changed its name to Lumos Pharma on March 18, 2020.

Where is Lumos Pharma's corporate headquarters?

Lumos Pharma’s corporate headquarters is in Austin, Texas.

When is Lumos Pharma's fiscal year-end?

Lumos Pharma’s fiscal year-end is December 31.

Who is Lumos Pharma's independent registered public accounting firm?

Lumos Pharma’s independent registered public accounting firm is KMPG LLP.

Who is Lumos Pharma's transfer agent and how can I contact them?

Lumos Pharma’s transfer agent is Computershare Shareowner Services LLC. Shareholders can contact them through the following channels:

By phone:
Toll-free (888) 213-0965

By regular mail:
PO Box 30170
College Station, TX 77842

By overnight delivery:
211 Quality Circle
Suite 210
College Station, TX 77845

Shareholders can access their account online here.

How can I obtain a copy of Lumos Pharma's Annual Report or other periodic reports?

A copy of our Annual Report or other periodic reports to the Securities and Exchange Commission is available without charge upon written request to:

Corporate Secretary
Lumos Pharma, Inc.
2503 South Loop Drive
Suite 5100
Ames, IA 50010

Who are the members of Lumos Pharma's Board of Directors?

The names of Lumos Pharma’s Board of Directors can be found here.

Who are the members of Lumos Pharma's management team?

The names of Lumos Pharma’s management team can be found here.

How can I contact Lumos Pharma Investor Relations?

To contact Lumos Pharma Investor Relations, please send an email to

How can I contact Lumos Pharma Media Relations?

To contact Lumos Pharma Media Relations, please send an email to

Where can I find Lumos Pharma’s press releases?

You can find Lumos Pharma’s press releases here.

Where can I find information on Lumos Pharma's R&D programs?

You can find information on Lumos Pharma’s R&D programs here.